
  • Government of India and Government of AP has implemented a converged insurance scheme for unorganized worker’s and payable premium was shared in 1:1 ratio.

  • Further, the Government of India, has withdrawn from the convergence scheme w.e.f. 1st April, 2020. Since the Converged scheme was withdrawn by the Government of India. Subsequently, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to continue and modified the YSR-Bima Scheme to provide relief to the bereaved family members of the deceased Primary Bread Earner of Rice Card Holders in the state.

  • The Hon’ble Chief Minister has launched the YSR Bima Scheme on 21.10.2020 and released an amount of Rs.510 crores Premium Funds to all the Banks and Insurance Company towards YSR Bima Premium on behalf of 1.41 crore Families in the State of Andhra Pradesh. 100% of the premium towards this scheme is borne by State Government of A.P.

Objective of the Scheme

  • The main Objective of the scheme is to provide relief to the bereaved families of primary Bread earners in case of their death or disability to mitigate the financial impact due to the sudden loss of the Primary Source of income.

  • The death or disability due to accident of a Primary Bread earner results in misery to his/her family with hardship and reduced earnings and excessive medical expenditure relating to the accident. Hence, there is every need to provide Accidental death and disability insurance to the Primary Bread earner towards social security. Further, even Natural death of a Primary Bread earner results in undue hardship to the surviving family members who need to be provided with some relief.

  • Hence the State Government has introduced the YSR Bima scheme.


  • 1. All Primary Bread earners belonging to BPL families in the State, in the age group of 18 to 70 years are eligible to be enrolled as beneficiaries of YSR Bima Scheme.

  • 2. Benefits under the YSR -Bima Scheme are as follows:

  •       a. Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs) Accidental Death and total disability relief for the age group of 18 to 50 years.
  •       b. Rs.3,00,000/-(Rupees Three Lakhs) Accidental Death and total disability Relief for the age group of 51 to 70 years.
  •       c. Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only) Natural Death relief for the age group of 18 to 50 years.